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a life in lightness | english

  • 48 Steps


You are looking for a life with more ease & flow, with a mind in relaxation and positivity, with a body that feels agile, relaxed and light, with and balanced feelings, with an authentic and trusting self-expression?​ ​ Start your new life NOW. Create more mental: - Clarity - Focus - New perspectives and aligned actions - Positivity Create more emotional: - Flow -Resilience - Happiness & Enthusiasm - Confidence & Security - Expression of feelings Create more physical: - Happy & Peace food - Healing - Vividness & Fire - Flexibility - Relaxation Create more spiritual: - Connection - Authenticity - Meaningfulness - Manifestation - Intuition I look forward to seeing you in holistic health and wellbeing. This course is self-paced. In a bi-weekly live session via Zoom, you can ask me all your questions. In addition, there is a community area for you, for exchange and networking with other participants. Lots of love her

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




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©2022 Sia Holistic Healing

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