SIA | Soulistic Healing
Holistic Coach, Mentor & Healer
ThetaHealing® Practicioner & Teacher
USUI REIKI Master & Teacher
Cacao & open Heart
Fall in Love ♡
... with yourself
... with life
... with all that has been, is and will be
Mama Cacao is a beautiful gift from nature, holding within the invitation to drop within, open your heart and experience the unconditional and devine love that you are.
We are here to forget and remember that all the love we have been seeking for, is already within.
Mama Cacao support you in this process.
A beautiful evening full of connection to yourself and the group,
a loving space for your own experience with this magical plant.
Join our 2-3 hour adventure into your essence of being.
Feeling afterwards beautifully settled in yourself.
Suitable for eveyone, men & women, young and old.
If you have any questions, please just contact me.
Lots of Love
Mama Cacao is a non psychadelic plant, it only lets your hearts natural ability to love, blossom. Responsibility for ones own process, is kept with oneself.